Liaison CM2 / 6ème la suite…

Liaison CM2 / 6ème la suite…

Les élèves de 6ème E, après un travail sur les différences et similarités entre une école britannique et française, sont heureux de présenter leur collège aux élèves de Mme Badeau dans le cadre de la liaison CM2 / 6ème mais également à tous les futurs élèves du collège.

Bonne découverte 😉

Mme Darbas professeure d’anglais et les élèves de 6 E

In our college Jean  Fernel there are 700 Students and 60 teachers.

The principal is Mrs Baratte, the deputy principal is Mr Quenehen.

We study from Monday to Friday except on Wednesday afternoons.

In our school we have 4 senior education advisors, a nurse, a social worker, a psychologist.

There are 2 stairs  with an escalator. There is a boarding school, a big school library, a large playground, a gymnasium, a canteen, a committee room, two computer rooms. We have special classes for children with troubles to learn and for blind pupils. 

We start at 8:15 or 9:15 we eat at 12:15 or 11:25.

 We have two breaks. In the morning from 10:05 to 10:25 and in the afternoon from 3:40 to 3:55 pm. We finish school at 3.40 ou 4.50 pm.

We study different   subjects : French, Maths, Geography, History, English, Physics, Chemistry, Art, Technology, biology and PE.

In year 8 , we get to choose a new language between German, Spanish, Italian and even Latin!

There are rules you must follow:  you must respect your teacher, you must arrive on time, when the bell rings you must go to the next class. When school ends you must not run in the corridors.  You must not say  bad words to your classmates and you must not use your mobile phone.

So come to our school!!!
